Collection: Psychedelic Art Nouveau Collection

Have you ever wondered why some of the 1960s concert posters look a little bit familiar? 

A lot of the posters take elements from traditional and well known Art Nouveau works of art. Art Nouveau (as the name say "New Art") was a movement that started during the technological revolution, in the late 1800's, when practicality, efficiency and saving money became a must in the new world that was being forged. Some artist were not happy with those new ideals, as beauty was being forgotten. 

Art Nouveau was the answer to the boring changes in society and created patterns that evoked an old era, while at the same time showcasing the most modern ideas and products. Almost like demonstrating that you could have both worlds merged together. 

The 1960s came with a lot of revolutions, youth culture, new music, drugs and wars. The need for a revolutionary imagery resurfaced and artists found the art nouveau style; but they added a twist: instead of the mellow colours that Art Nouveau was known for, they went head into the saturation and bright pigments; and we ended up with a new style of art. 

This collection is inspired by the concert posters produced in the 1960s, bringing art nouveau elements and bold colours. 


Highly recommend watching this Vox video on the subject:

4 products
  • Psychedelic Art Nouveau 1960s - The Tulip
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  • Psychedelic Art Nouveau 1960s - Window
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  • Psychedelic Art Nouveau 1960s - Round
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  • Psychedelic Art Nouveau 1960s - Fruits
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